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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tablet Laptop

Once again a time for boast up as an Indian that in 2011, Government of India, introduced a very very cheap tablet pc named AAKASH for university and colleges students and also for teachers for upgradation.

It is just like a tablet pc or laptop which provides all computer facilities and services with wi-fi and Internet network facility . Indian IIT students and datawind made this laptop. It becomes very popular and easy accessible and affordable for all. It is a boon for all Indians specially for rural people.

List of Aakash tablet pc specifications:
Battery : upto 2-3 hours
Battery type : Internal rechargeable non-removable lithium-polymer battery
RAM : 256 MB,

Operating system : Android 2.2,
Processor : 366 MHz + HD video co-processor
Screen display : 7-inch ; 800×480 resolution

Internet : Internet Browser and Wi-Fi Enable
USB support : Mini and full USB and SIM

Check the Aakash Tablet now grab for.